Gardening has been more popular ever since the pandemic. Bringing in greenery to your Bloomsbury Residences condo can soothe the mind. If you think making a small garden in a condo is hard, think again! Here are five tips to get started.
Getting the Right Plants
Use your plant and gardening knowledge to choose the right plant. Consider thinking of the factors these plants need. Does this plant require lots of space to breathe, or does it just need a small compact space?
Utilize Your Balcony Space
Fruits and flowers grow better and happier outdoors. But before adding in the plants, make sure to check the balcony’s environment. If the balcony has harsh heat or strong winds, if it usually rains or more, consider buying sturdier plants!
Set a Watering Schedule
All plants, fruits, and flowers need water to survive. By researching your plant’s watering requirements online, you can create a watering schedule for them! Always check if the soil is moist, and ensure the leaves’ color is healthy. Yellow leaves mean overwatering, and dried leaves mean underwatering.
Efficient Use of Space- Vertical Gardening
Creativity and planning can go a long way. Vertical gardening delivers you more space for other plants. When trying vertical gardening, consider using tall and slim plants for more variety and design. This can also help with air purification and ventilation in the house.
Incorporate Fertilizers
Did you know that container-grown plants need more attention than ground plants? Because the container plants will soon be potted, they will wear out the nutrients in the soil. Increase the soil’s nutrient level by adding organic fertilizer or compost. A tip is when you are changing the pots and recycling the old soil, don’t. This is because there is a high risk that its nutrients are all gone and drained and may also contain harmful bacteria.